Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Teacher Spotlight: Miss Nuttall - 5th Grade

Ever wonder how a teacher can capture the hearts of their students? Look no further than Miss Nuttall! Ask her students if they like their teacher this year and you will get an emphatic YES! This Chocolate lovin’, Cookies & Cream Ice cream hoardin’ lady is DAR-ling! Surprisingly though her favorite food is…SALAD! I guess that helps with all the chocolate. She loves to kick back to Nora Jones. Her favorite book is 32 Third Graders and One Class Bunny: Life Lessons from Teaching by Phillip Done. The title alone makes me want to read it! If she could travel anywhere in the world it would be on a Humanitarian trip to Africa. I asked what her favorite quote is and now...I'm making it my own to live by: “Happy Days are made by Happy People. And Happy People are made by CHOICE!” –Sally Huss (Artist and Children’s Author)
Grade(s) Taught: 4th & 5th Grade
School Name: Her first year of teaching was at Grovecrest Elementary and the last five years have been here at Central!
Roots: Born in Huntsville, Alabama but moved here to Provo, Utah when she was just 4 years old. She graduated from Provo High School and went to BYU and majored in Elementary Ed and minored in Family Life.
Teaching Motto: Work Hard, Play Hard!
Who or what inspired you to become a teacher? People, namely my family, have just always told me growing up that I should be a teacher…so I am!
My best day in the classroom was when: Honestly…last year when Chick-fil-a came and brought us lunch.
What’s your one must-have item for your classroom? Sharpies! I LOVE Sharpies! We use them a lot!
If you could have one teacher superpower, what would it be? Eyes in the back of my head. Then I could see what they’re always up to when they think I’m not paying attention.
What was the last non-academic book you’ve read? The get rich quick club by Dan Gutman

What profession other than your own would you most like to attempt? I’ve always thought it would be cool to open my own business. I don’t know what it would be…perhaps a restaurant or a bakery.
Have a question you’d like to ask your fellow educators? Being single I look at other teachers who have families to take care of and I have to ask…HOW do you balance your life with home, family and teaching?

1 comment:

  1. Great spotlight! What an awesome teacher Miss Nuttall is!
