Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Teacher Spotlight: Mrs. Tingey - 1st Grade

When I grow up I want to be...Mrs. Tingey. No, really. That is who I want to be. She is kindness, caring & love personified. On the first day of school as all those anxious mothers were waiting for their little 1st Graders to finally break through to the big bad world of Full Day School...there was Mrs. Tingey comforting our woes with a perky little smile, a sparkle in her eye and a parting remark, “Ok all you Moms! Go out for breakfast and Enjoy yourselves! We've got this! And they are going to do Great!” Could she be any Cuter?! I get the neat privilege of working with her every week in her classroom and I tell you that this woman Walks the Walk! She Loves her Students! And in return, they absolutely adore her! What a wonderful environment to learn in!
Grade(s) Taught: PreSchool, Kindergarten, First, Second, Third & Fourth Grades (Jack of All Grades!)
Roots: Born in Salt Lake City, Utah & raised in Provo, Utah.
Teaching Motto: Every Child should know that they are Important, Capable, Loved & Cared about."
Who or what inspired you to become a teacher? From a young age I always had little children around me. My parents use to call me the Pied Piper! I always seemed to have children over for projects, playtime & of course teaching. It was just such a natural thing for me to do! I have always loved being around kids!
How many Years have You Taught? 28 years...WoW! I taught for a few years at South Jordan Elementary, a few at Westmore Elementary, 22 Years at Suncrest Elementary, and this is my 2nd year here at Central and I just LOVE it! I took 12 years off to raise my 4 boys, but I taught preschool during most of that time with my boys!
My best day in the classroom was when: I am continually learning from these little ones everyday...but one day that stands out to me is when a little boy came up to me and said, “Nobody cares about me!” Before I could respond another little boy came up and said, “I care about You!” and gave him a hug! It was such a precious and cherished moment. I love to see children being thoughtful and kind to one another.
If you could have one teacher superpower, what would it be? The energy of a 1st Grader! That is a superpower in and of itself!
What’s your one must-have item for your classroom? I would love to find a Cassette player that will last me longer than two years! I have so many great lessons and songs to share, but they're all on Tape Cassettes and it's hard to find Cassette players these days. (Uhm...I offered the suggestion that we could transfer her cassettes to discs....anyone do this?)
What was the last non-academic book you’ve read? Boston Jane by Jennifer L. Holm "Such a cute series of books! And you can find them right here in our library!"
What profession other than your own would you most like to attempt? I always thought nursing would be interesting, but at the time I didn't have the stomach for it. After raising boys...I feel I could do it now!
Have a question you'd like to ask your fellow educators? Would you share your best management techniques? I find that these new teachers just coming out of college have so many new and exciting things to share! Especially when it comes to technology! They can do it all and I'm always curious to know how it works, though I'm a little behind perhaps on the tech stuff. (Yeah, I've tried to use one of those Smart Boards...they do not make me feel smart.)

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Teacher Spotlight - Mrs. Mortensen - Kindergarten

Have you ever met a beautiful person and wonder if they're as beautiful on the inside as they are on the outside? That is what first comes to mind when you meet this darling woman, Mrs. Mortensen. But no fear of skin deep beauty here! She is lovely through and through!  She has been married for just 2 months now, so balancing the life of a newlywed and a classroom of 5 year olds has to be a major accomplishment in and of itself. Mrs. Mortensen is fond of Hot Tamales, the candy...not the actual tamales...I think. She loves the Olive Garden, Basketball, plays the piano and just started loving to go to the gym. Her Favorite Quote is now another favorite of mine and it fits her quite well! I swear if you're looking for good quotes, ask a Teacher! "The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths.These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep, loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen." --Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
Grade(s) Taught: 2nd & Kindgergarten
Roots: Born in Provo, Utah but raised in Rock Springs, Wyoming. She graduated from BYU and majored in Human Development and Elementary Ed.
Teaching Motto: Good Listeners make Great Teachers!
Who or what inspired you to become a teacher? I am the only child of divorced parents and my Mom was a teacher. I spent my summers helping my Mom set up her Classroom. I tried to resist that pull to teaching, but she was such an amazing example to me, I found it to be such a natural thing.
My best day in the classroom was when: So many days...what to pick...I suppose my best day is whenever I see a kid showing real progress and a connection with what I'm trying to teach them. And looking back and realizing I helped get them there!
What’s your one must-have item for your classroom? Cleaning Supplies! I am all about Clean!
What was the last non-academic book you’ve read? 
The Miracle of Forgiveness by Spencer W. Kimball
What profession other than your own would you most like to attempt? I would probably go into Customer Service or some other sort of Leadership position. And why not make it one that will make lots of $$$!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Teacher Spotlight: Miss Nuttall - 5th Grade

Ever wonder how a teacher can capture the hearts of their students? Look no further than Miss Nuttall! Ask her students if they like their teacher this year and you will get an emphatic YES! This Chocolate lovin’, Cookies & Cream Ice cream hoardin’ lady is DAR-ling! Surprisingly though her favorite food is…SALAD! I guess that helps with all the chocolate. She loves to kick back to Nora Jones. Her favorite book is 32 Third Graders and One Class Bunny: Life Lessons from Teaching by Phillip Done. The title alone makes me want to read it! If she could travel anywhere in the world it would be on a Humanitarian trip to Africa. I asked what her favorite quote is and now...I'm making it my own to live by: “Happy Days are made by Happy People. And Happy People are made by CHOICE!” –Sally Huss (Artist and Children’s Author)
Grade(s) Taught: 4th & 5th Grade
School Name: Her first year of teaching was at Grovecrest Elementary and the last five years have been here at Central!
Roots: Born in Huntsville, Alabama but moved here to Provo, Utah when she was just 4 years old. She graduated from Provo High School and went to BYU and majored in Elementary Ed and minored in Family Life.
Teaching Motto: Work Hard, Play Hard!
Who or what inspired you to become a teacher? People, namely my family, have just always told me growing up that I should be a teacher…so I am!
My best day in the classroom was when: Honestly…last year when Chick-fil-a came and brought us lunch.
What’s your one must-have item for your classroom? Sharpies! I LOVE Sharpies! We use them a lot!
If you could have one teacher superpower, what would it be? Eyes in the back of my head. Then I could see what they’re always up to when they think I’m not paying attention.
What was the last non-academic book you’ve read? The get rich quick club by Dan Gutman

What profession other than your own would you most like to attempt? I’ve always thought it would be cool to open my own business. I don’t know what it would be…perhaps a restaurant or a bakery.
Have a question you’d like to ask your fellow educators? Being single I look at other teachers who have families to take care of and I have to ask…HOW do you balance your life with home, family and teaching?

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Teacher Spotlight: Mrs. Arens – 1st Grade

Last year Mrs. Arens was at Mt. Mahogany Elementary part time and Central Elementary part time as an ESL teacher! We are so excited to have her HERE with us full time as our newest 1st Grade Teacher!!! There’s a lot of singing and dancing going on over at her classroom! (Ask to see her Peanut Butter Jelly Time Dance!) Students love their rewards system that she implements. Some of the rewards entail coupons that allow kids to have lunch with the teacher or have Mrs. Arens clean their desk for them!
Mrs. Arens was raised in a small town in Michigan called Allegan (population 4,998).  She wasn’t kidding when she said it was small! She graduated from BYU in Elementary Education with a minor in TESOL. Her favorite treat is Chocolate Covered Caramel Anything! Favorite color is Grey. Favorite Book is the Fablehaven Series. She loves Horses, Painting, Laughing and Singing and Dancing when nobody is watching. Well except for her 1st graders. She LOVES to Laugh and to get others to laugh, which she says is pretty perfect for her job since it’s easy to get 6 year olds giggling!
Grades Taught: ESL & 1st Grade
Teaching Motto: We’re ALL Teachers & we’re ALL Learners, working together to lift each other up within a safe learning environment.
How many years have you been teaching? Her 2nd Year and many more to come!
Who or what inspired you to become a teacher? I have just always wanted to be a teacher! I am the 6th child of an 8 children family, so I always had nieces, nephews and foster kids to teach…much to their chagrin.
My best day in the classroom was when: I’ve had a lot those days with my current class. One day during an art class there was a huge mess and I look back and 4 of my students are mopping up the floor without even me asking them to. I often find these students being kind, charitable and proactive!
What’s your one must-have item for your classroom? Books!!!
If you could have one teacher superpower, what would it be? The power to enthrall all students to attention, so that they’ll listen and look at me when I’m teaching.
What was the last non-academic book you’ve read? The Fablehaven Series, which I haven’t read since last year! By the end of my day…I’m usually done with letters, words, reading!
What profession other than your own would you most like to attempt? I would open my own healthy restaurant. I LOVE Food! And my husband is a Health Freak!
Have a question you’d like to ask your fellow educators? I feel like I’ve already asked so many questions of my fellow 1st grade Team! They are AMAZING women and have so much experience and wisdom to share!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Teacher Spotlight: Miss Crowder - 2nd Grade

Up for our first Spotlight is our newest 2nd Grade teacher, Miss Crowder! Miss Crowder comes to us from Orchard Elementary! This is her 2nd Year of Teaching 2nd Grade...Because it's the Best! Miss Crowder was born and raised in Virginia. She comes from a family of 4 kids and graduated in Elementary Education from BYU...GO Cougs! (No Disrespect to all you Ute and Aggies Fans.)
Here are a few questions she answered for me during our interview!

Teaching Motto:
Inspire Children with the Love of Learning!

Who or what inspired you to become a teacher?
When I was in High School I worked in a Daycare and realized I loved working with children. Also my older sister Brittany is a teacher and she inspired me to become one.

My Best day in the classroom was when?
Last year when I was working extra hard on Math with my class; I gave them a quiz and ALL the students did well. Days like that are so rewarding for a teacher. To see the growth and improvement in your students is amazing.

What's your one must-have item for your classroom?
Diet Coke!

If you could have one teacher superpower, what would it be?
I would duplicate/clone myself so that I could be in more than one place within the classroom at a time!

Who was the last non-academic book you've read?
A Million Miles and A Thousand Years: How I Learned to Live a Better Story by Donald Miller
"Very Good Book!"
What profession other than your own would you most like to attempt?
A Baker, because I love baking things! Or something to do with Crafts. Open my own Etsy Shop with stuff that I make!

Have a question you'd like to ask your fellow educators?
What's the secret to making your job work for you the best?

Thank you Miss Crowder for taking the time to letting us get to know you!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Think A!

Growing up my father used to always start off each school year with a chant: "Think A, Think A!" He told us if we think it, then we'll say it, then we'll do it. Unfortunately, our report cards didn't always reflect the A he so keenly hoped for. But Today...we can do a little dance for OUR School's A! Only 11% of schools actually received this glorious letter on their State Report Card! So spread the news! Tell your Spouse! Tell your Friends! Tell the guy Bagging your Groceries! Central Elementary School is Thinking, Saying and Doing A! GO TIGERS!!!

Click below to see it for yourself!

Friday, August 30, 2013

All THinGs ShiNy & NeW!

Welcome to a New School Year and a New Look for our BLOG! Think of this as Grand Central Station for Information and Connections for your PTA! We hope to keep you in the loop on new opportunities to volunteer and be a part of your child's educational experience! If you have any questions or comments or requests please email me, Cory Ludvigson: We hope to have an online volunteer system up soon along with postings of all of the Central E-Communications! We're going to have GREAT year! Go TIGERS!