Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Teacher Tuesday: Miss. Hunter

O.K. seriously she is a teacher after my own heart! BARBIES?!! We totally need to play. I still have several of my Barbies, in good condition I might add. Maybe it's because she looks like a Barbie that she likes them so much. We could maybe have a Elementary School Barbie Day! Possibly have people bring barbies to donate to a local charity or girls bring their fave barbies in School Spirit attire? LOL There's yet another idea for our fabulous PTA. Let's put a pin in it! I also love that she used to make report cards for her friends. You're an inspiration. Thanks for letting us get to know you!
Without further ado. Here's Miss Hunter!

I teach Kindergarten @ CENTRAL ELEMENTARY
Nonie Hunter

My name is  Miss Hunter.  I’m best known for one blue eye and one green eye! but I want to be known for making everyone around me feel important and loved.  I live in Utah but in my dreams I live in a beach house in San Diego, California. My mom grew up there and I’ve been there on a lot of vacations. It is so fun!  On the weekend you’ll find me at home, catching up on lots of projects.
There are 7 kids in my family. I’m the third oldest, but the oldest girl! When I was a kid i loved to play Barbies for sure! I had (and still have) quite the collection!  If I were a kid today I’d wear A lot of pink and yellow. Maybe an occasional tutu.  My best b-day present? My birthday is June 1st, so it’s either the last day of school or the start of a fun summer vacation! I went to China for my 12th birthday and again for my 24th birthday! Those were pretty good presents.
I would totally hide some Juicy red seedless grapes under my bed. They are the original fruit snacks!  My favorite meal of the day is dinner, because I have time to actually sit down and eat! 
Why a teacher? My mom and dad are both teachers, and my Grandma Janice taught kindergarten for a lot of years. Growing up I played school and was always the teacher. I would write little report cards for my friends and once made my younger siblings do an animal report for summer school. I had so many good teachers when I was in school and wanted to grow up to be just like them. I’m so glad I did, because it’s the best job in the world! I’ve been teaching for 4 years. The last 3 have been here at Central! Go Tigers! I love teaching art and reading and writing. I love it all, which is probably why I teach kindergarten!  My favorite season is Autumn. The air is crisp and a bit chilly, but I love the beautiful changing leaves, watching football, carving pumpkins, and wearing sweaters.
Some of the books I MUST HAVE are Madeline, Where the Wild Things Are, No David!, Are You My Mother?, and Stargirl.  Vacations are hard to come by so if I had a whole 2 weeks of pure vacation time I would  Go on a road trip and stop to take pictures at America’s strangest roadside attractions..
I am lucky today because I have the cutest students who tell me the sweetest things. B.T.W. I really can’t live without  My family. They make me smile and I really wish my super power was being in more than one place at a time, it would come in handy.
My life motto is It’s nice to be important, but it’s more important to be nice.”
  Download Miss Hunter's Spotlight PDF here. 

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