Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Reflections Due Friday November 2, 2012

Reflection 2012 "Magic of a Moment"
Remember to turn all entries into the front office by Friday November 2, 2012


Reminder of the

 Central Halloween Tradition 

The Costume Parade@9:30,

 Parade will be held in the Gym.

Choir will also perform

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Minimal Day Monday September 24th

Calling all Central Students
 Mom's, Dad's, Aunt's, Uncles, Grandma, Grandpa's and Carpoolers ......
Monday September 24th is Minimal Day
students will be dismissed @ 1:45!!
Please be there to pick them up!!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Spirit Week.......GO TIGERS

Wahoo this week is our schools "SPIRIT WEEK", We kicked it off today with a great assembly. Thanks to all those who helped pull it off. Congratulations to Miss Nuttall's 5th grade class for winning our school cheer contest! They will be getting a lunch brought in by Chickfila!!  It should be a really fun week. Thanks for all your support.

Tuesday: Tie day 
Wednesday: Pleasant Grove Pool Day, $1per person 4-8pm
Thursday: Hats off to our school, Hat Day
Friday: Wear your school colors and Crazy Hair day

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Meet Your Teacher

Just a reminder that 
Monday August 20th 
Meet Your Teacher
come to Central Elementary 
anytime between

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Hello... Free Money

Target Gift Card Giveaway!!

 Wanna help our kids?? Its easy, Target is giving away $2.5 million dollars in gift cards to schools. All we need to do is Vote for our school each week until September 8th.For every 25 voted our school receives, target will send Central $25 gift card.
1. Find out more and vote at https//www.facebook.com/target?sk=app 461626783866453 or just www.facebook.com/Target(you'll have to sign in to your facebook account) 
2.Click on Give with Target 
3. Enter school Name: Central Elementary and enter zip code: 84062-click search button.
4. click vote 
5. You can vote once a week ( Sunday to Saturday midnight) Please post this to your facebook account , share with friends or forward to family members near and far